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Group Benefit Solutions

The CougsFirst! Business Directory is a list of Coug-owned, -managed, and -affiliated businesses in our network.

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Group Benefit Solutions




Our mission is to Modernize Healthcare by eliminating employee's out-of-pocket expenses while simultaneously guiding them to the highest quality healthcare available.

How would it feel if you could...

  • Remove financial stress for employees seeking care,
  • Generate bottom-line savings on a top-3 P&L line item
  • Improve your ability to recruit & retain talent,
  • End cost-shifting for future renewals,
  • Reduce your administrative burden...

Just one more thing... The best part is, we guarantee our results by putting our own compensation at risk.

Download a FREE copy of the Amazon best-seller Next Generation Healthcare from our website!


Chris Wolpert
Founder, Healthcare Cost Consultant

Powered By GrowthZone

Having trouble finding a Cougar -owned or managed business? Email us at and we can help.