Brandon Firkins
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Brandon Firkins
Storage & Security Other Consulting Cloud Storage Cloud Services Technology Communications Telecom & Cloud Services
Businesses need to find creative ways to improve and protect their business – that’s where I come in.
As a Business Technology Consultant, it’s my job to help businesses embrace useful and effective technology solutions. I specialize in consulting and negotiating cloud services, voice and data networks, and cybersecurity. I regularly attend national training sessions that showcase trends such as advancements in cybersecurity, customer experience, and data networks like SD WAN. I’ve worked in Telecommunications/IT for over 30 years and have loved every minute of it.
I’ve always been an early adopter of technology and it is truly a passion for me. When I was young, I would find myself messing around with new contraptions and was enamored by video game systems. I always asked myself how do they make this stuff? Is it magic? Don’t get me started with today’s technological offerings, which are absolutely mind blowing. Think about it for a second, you can actually have a video conference call, in the middle of the woods, with people anywhere in the world. Don’t you find that amazing? I do. Naturally, my curiosity developed into a career in telecommunications and IT, which has led me to where I am today.
In my time as a technology professional, I’ve worked with fortune 500 companies in most industries – healthcare, banking, retail, etc… to help them use technology to meet their business goals. If you want to add your name to that list, shoot me a message here or on LinkedIn, or email me at