ADLocal Value
The CougsFirst! Business Directory is a list of Coug-owned, -managed, and -affiliated businesses in our network.
Looking to get your business listed? Apply today for free!
Know of a Coug business that you don't see listed? Refer them to us here.
ADLocal Value
ADLocal Value (ALV) replaces the typical “Pay and Pray” advertising style with our exclusive
“Pay and Play” model. Instead of spending money on ads and hoping it works, ALV provides
measurable marketing through a unique and engaged membership community. Our primary ad
medium is our entertaining and informative carousels that run on tv screens in local places of
Each carousel frequently displays a 10 second custom ad for your business, rotated among
informative trivia, historical facts, famous quotes, and entertaining jokes. In addition to this
one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity, ALV also offers quarterly wine-downs, annual
Hack-A-Thons, and multiple cross-promotional advertising channels to their members.
Becoming a member is easy! Choose from being a ‘Host’ who showcases the ALV carousel in
your place of business, an “Advertiser” who runs Ads on the ALV carousels, or an ‘Engager’,
who simply partakes of the networking opportunities within a company that truly embraces our
motto - Locals Helping Locals!
For more information, visit or follow us on social media!